ate set of "adjustments" Eileen emerges as a tolerable specimen. I can alter almost any feature of my face except my profile, and I am working on that...though with little chance of success.

The French have a saying, "No woman is ugly, save those who do not know how to use cosmetics." In my case, they are a life saver. I was indoctrinated into their most effective use by one of the leading beauticians of this city, a regal lady who, sans makeup, was Plain Jane herself. But give her a few minutes before a mirror, and myomyomy, men crossed the street to look at her clos- er, and women stared in disbelief.

She brought me the latest, most perfect, items from the salon where she worked. In front of a looking glass, she explained their use, and demonstrated their application. And I, well, frankly, I swooned...wouldn't you? She gave me manicures and pedicures, fac- ials, and hairdos...she sewed and altered my clothes, and she han- ded the most wonderful items of her wardrobe to me to wear. Though she was far slimmer than I, she preferred her clothes to fit loos- ely. Therefore, I, needing a tight fit to obscure the wide should- ers and the no-hips of my body, slid into practically everything she had. Her gloves, shoes, dresses, coats, gowns and furs were mine to delight in. Even some of her hats, though the most of them, due to their styling, just would not fit.

She drove me everywhere, she walked with me when the feel of steeple heels thrusting through my ankles seemed important. I photographed her, and she photographed me, we visited friends to- gether, flirted with sailors on our main street together; we were in Love.

Then suddenly one Sunday night she ordered me to take off those silly clothes. I cannot recall all of my emotions of the minute, but one of them remains--I thought I looked better that night than any other time in my life. She even mentioned something like that when she came in, but her decision about the clothes re- mained.. some friends of hers, it seems, had been to see a bawdy type of impersonator show, and had come to her with a great many definite impressions about the actors, all of which she thought they would affix to me if they should learn about the beauty I app- reciated.

This was the beginning of the end. Her friends opened other channels, other associations, and shortly she was gone. The world
